
How you turn my world, you precious thing; Henrik Aarrestad Uldalen.

These dizzying paintings by self-taught Henrik Aarrestad Uldalen have me on edge.

A recent write-up on Hi-Fructose (where these images are from) drew parallels with M. C. Escher. I would agree - they somehow brought to mind one of my favourite movie scenes of all time.

David Bowie - Labyrinth OST - Within You


mispapelicos said...

Brilliant as ever. Your posts are always a present to me.
have a lovely Easter, dear friend.

gelly said...

Auguri a te!!
Very inspiring images darling, tnx for sharing once again! Xx

wobblinbetty said...

Hey that was me above...I didn't realize my family computer in varese was set on another gmail account :D

gunilla said...

cool post. cool blog
just started following you :)